California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10
Index > Total Expense By Fund Category and Expense Category
Total Expense By Fund Category and Expense Category
Fund Category\Expense Category |
Instruction |
Research |
Public Service |
Academic Support |
Medical Centers |
Student Services |
Institutional Support |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant |
Student Financial Aid |
Auxiliary Enterprises |
Total |
General Funds |
($1,335,584,268.55) |
($278,015,960.29) |
($81,389,538.51) |
($354,453,734.59) |
($27,582,625.01) |
$4.06 |
($328,687,354.14) |
($274,323,142.99) |
($74,215,863.32) |
($431,489.73) |
($2,754,683,973.07) |
Tuition & Fees |
($1,154,287,243.85) |
($2,745,471.14) |
($3,637,035.70) |
($130,173,741.74) |
$0.00 |
($387,569,899.76) |
($156,984,664.16) |
($140,304,003.03) |
$44,277,455.28 |
($8,498,236.73) |
($1,939,922,840.83) |
Federal Government |
($76,680,639.21) |
($1,956,329,885.58) |
($69,803,125.36) |
($20,141,967.82) |
($27,231.06) |
($10,697,471.88) |
($1,169,419.10) |
($48,528.32) |
($470,312,371.45) |
($2,151,128.91) |
($2,607,361,768.69) |
Special State Appropriations and Contracts |
($77,700,678.59) |
($216,852,367.57) |
($84,605,782.33) |
($11,123,297.44) |
($371,957.36) |
($8,057,182.17) |
($5,451,476.80) |
($327,578.23) |
($56,432,271.62) |
($21,762.08) |
($460,944,354.19) |
Local Government |
($13,754,783.40) |
($25,591,388.91) |
($53,510,432.78) |
($86,981,864.80) |
($424,991.61) |
($63,043.05) |
($170,788.45) |
($2,037.77) |
($441,317.36) |
$1,749,515.36 |
($179,191,132.77) |
Endowment and Similar Funds |
($34,683,343.23) |
($29,351,119.74) |
($2,635,512.23) |
($19,419,169.52) |
($70.00) |
($1,074,818.64) |
($41,622,895.60) |
($5,293,778.24) |
($7,378,697.44) |
($31,036.93) |
($141,490,441.57) |
Sales and Services of Auxiliary Organizations |
($20,844.91) |
($1,519.41) |
$0.00 |
($110,038.22) |
$0.00 |
($18,147,713.74) |
($1,445,194.39) |
($733,265.51) |
$158,022,687.86 |
($854,759,721.82) |
($717,195,610.14) |
Other Sources |
($858,164,642.04) |
($537,689,501.61) |
($96,322,420.86) |
($348,185,129.37) |
($767,453,999.82) |
($201,410,705.36) |
($463,606,262.89) |
($173,262,546.25) |
$24,504,238.58 |
($101,015,249.93) |
($3,522,606,219.55) |
Reserves |
($12,080,067.17) |
($1,328,744.80) |
($274,485.88) |
($5,187,959.59) |
($3,149,325.32) |
($1,965,917.62) |
$14,941,750.22 |
($3,914,787.06) |
($4,767,188.94) |
($4,457,994.25) |
($22,184,720.41) |
Total |
($3,562,956,510.95) |
($3,047,905,959.05) |
($392,178,333.65) |
($975,776,903.09) |
($799,010,200.18) |
($628,986,748.16) |
($984,196,305.31) |
($598,209,667.40) |
($386,743,328.41) |
($969,617,105.02) |
($12,345,581,061.22) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.