Fund Group\Expense Category [show totals] | Instruction | Research | Public Service | Academic Support | Medical Centers | Student Services | Institutional Support | Operation and Maintenance of Plant | Student Financial Aid | Auxiliary Enterprises | Total |
ENDOW PRIN APPROP-OPPORTUNITY FUNDS | ($34,683,343.23) | ($29,351,119.74) | ($2,635,512.23) | ($19,419,169.52) | ($70.00) | ($1,074,818.64) | ($41,622,895.60) | ($5,293,778.24) | ($7,378,697.44) | ($31,036.93) | ($141,490,441.57) |
Total | ($34,683,343.23) | ($29,351,119.74) | ($2,635,512.23) | ($19,419,169.52) | ($70.00) | ($1,074,818.64) | ($41,622,895.60) | ($5,293,778.24) | ($7,378,697.44) | ($31,036.93) | ($141,490,441.57) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.