As requested by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, our office reviewed the University of California's (university) financial information related to public funds, student tuition and fees, and auxiliary enterprises that is centrally contained at the Office of the President. In order to complete our audit, we obtained detailed electronic financial records from the university's corporate financial system for approximately 103,000 funds, more than 32,000 of which were within the scope of our audit. We reviewed those records related to publicly supported funds. We defined public funding as those revenues that the university obtained as part of its regular course of business. Examples of the types of revenues we examined include those provided by a government entity (including federal, state, or local governments), tuition and fees paid by students, and revenues generated by auxiliary enterprises—noninstructional programs within the university that operate like commercial businesses and offer goods or services for sale such as student housing, dining, and parking.

As noted in the scope and methodology section of our report, we were unable to assure ourselves of the reliability of the data in the university's corporate financial system. Each of the 10 university campuses provides its own financial data, which are then aggregated in the corporate financial system. To supplement the information provided in our audit report, University of California: Although the University Maintains Extensive Financial Records, It Should Provide Additional Information to Improve Public Understanding of Its Operations, the links below provide you further details of the revenues, expenses, net transfers, and beginning and ending balances for the university's funds included in our audit report.

The links below present financial information for each fund group and fund category and has the beginning balance, revenue, expenses, net transfers, and ending balances.

For information about the audit report, contact the Bureau of State Audits, Margarita Fernandez, Chief of Public Affairs, 916.445.0255.

For information about the financial data presented in this supplemental, contact the university via their Web site.