Fund Group\Campus [show totals] | UCOP or Systemwide Programs | Berkeley | San Francisco | Davis | Los Angeles | Riverside | San Diego | Santa Cruz | Santa Barbara | Irvine | Merced | Total |
**GENERAL FUNDS | ($3,547,503.94) | ($39,562,880.57) | ($30,886,498.12) | ($46,145,018.06) | ($34,431,326.65) | ($19,275,298.36) | ($39,049,427.46) | ($17,485,561.83) | ($15,030,920.57) | ($25,678,566.31) | ($3,230,141.12) | ($274,323,142.99) |
Total | ($3,547,503.94) | ($39,562,880.57) | ($30,886,498.12) | ($46,145,018.06) | ($34,431,326.65) | ($19,275,298.36) | ($39,049,427.46) | ($17,485,561.83) | ($15,030,920.57) | ($25,678,566.31) | ($3,230,141.12) | ($274,323,142.99) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.