Fund Number [show totals] | Fund Name | Campus | Sales & Services - Educational Activity | Total |
19900 | GENERAL FUNDS | Berkeley | $63,990.00 | $63,990.00 |
19900 | GENERAL FUNDS | Los Angeles | $2,625.00 | $2,625.00 |
19900 | GENERAL FUND | San Diego | $3,530.00 | $3,530.00 |
19933 | STATE APPROP/UC GEN FUND/FED OVRHD | San Diego | ($180.00) | ($180.00) |
Total | $69,965.00 | $69,965.00 |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.