Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
19900 - GENERAL FUND | ($10,425,449.82) | ($10,425,449.82) |
19911 - MULTI-CAMPUS RCH PROGS &INITIATIVES | ($2.74) | ($2.74) |
19933 - STATE APPROP/UC GEN FUND/FED OVRHD | ($2,454,502.84) | ($2,454,502.84) |
19942 - NON RESIDENT TUITION | ($26,374,172.95) | ($26,374,172.95) |
19990 - Y/E ADJ- GF | $204,700.89 | $204,700.89 |
Total | ($39,049,427.46) | ($39,049,427.46) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.