Fund Number [show totals] | Fund Name | Campus | Tuition & Fees - Contra - Bad Debts | Tuition & Fees - Contra - Student Financial Aid | Tuition & Fees - Other Student Fees | Total |
66350 | GENERIC REVENUE-OTHER SOURCES | Berkeley | $0.00 | $0.00 | $6,600.00 | $6,600.00 |
68915 | STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE | Santa Cruz | ($60.00) | $0.00 | $0.00 | ($60.00) |
69978 | EVC-WRITE OFFS/ADJUSTMENTS | San Francisco | $26,759.68 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $26,759.68 |
69986 | SCHOLARSHIP ALLOWANCE IRM 151 | San Francisco | $0.00 | ($24,084,264.17) | $0.00 | ($24,084,264.17) |
Total | $26,699.68 | ($24,084,264.17) | $6,600.00 | ($24,050,964.49) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.