Fund\Revenue Category [show totals] | STATE GOVERNMENT | Total |
18010 - CHARP RESEARCH 06-07 | $1,059.39 | $1,059.39 |
18011 - CHARP RESEARCH 07-08 | $845,052.20 | $845,052.20 |
18012 - (E) AIDS RESEARCH 08-09 | $187,967.69 | $187,967.69 |
18013 - CHRP RESEARCH 09-10 | $2,771,208.13 | $2,771,208.13 |
18047 - SUBJ MATTER PROJ YR 09-10(2012) | $2,892,691.84 | $2,892,691.84 |
18048 - SUBJECT MATTER PROJECT - YEAR 3 | $130,096.25 | $130,096.25 |
18051 - CALIF INSTITUTE FOR SCIENCE & INNOV | ($835,522.76) | ($835,522.76) |
Total | $5,992,552.74 | $5,992,552.74 |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.