Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
23414 - D/DOED Q184Z090032 GOMEZ D0.00 09/1 | ($39,326.08) | ($39,326.08) |
23434 - DOED P042A050674 SALINGER J8.0 8/10 | ($145,404.73) | ($145,404.73) |
23490 - WORKSTUDY 08/09 P033A080640 D0.0 6/ | $15.15 | $15.15 |
23492 - WORKSTUDY 09/10 P033A090640 D0.0 6/ | ($144,932.62) | ($144,932.62) |
23495 - JLD/FWS 07/99-06/08 D0.00 06/08 | ($50,000.00) | ($50,000.00) |
24994 - FED GRANTS/COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACC | $15,062.46 | $15,062.46 |
Total | ($364,585.82) | ($364,585.82) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.