Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
25751 - ARRA/HHSN271200800006C-04WIGAL J26. | ($22,345.46) | ($22,345.46) |
26410 - ARRA MCA UCLA-49082 PATAKI B26.0 8/ | ($8,990.67) | ($8,990.67) |
78827 - ARRA F/JOHNSHOPK 2000824375STARKJ53 | ($6,408.66) | ($6,408.66) |
78856 - ARRA U AL 000341581-001 FORTHAL J53 | ($811.55) | ($811.55) |
78857 - ARRA NO CA INST RSCH 1465 PTKIN J26 | ($5,393.00) | ($5,393.00) |
78873 - ARRA UCSD UCSD-49677 CT POTKIN J53 | ($3,452.00) | ($3,452.00) |
Total | ($47,401.34) | ($47,401.34) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.