Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18092 - HEALTH CARE BENEFIT FUND D0.00 08/0 | ($13,357.17) | ($13,357.17) |
18094 - HEALTH CARE BENEFIT FUND D00.0 6/08 | ($3.07) | ($3.07) |
18101 - UC BREAST CANCER RES 06/10 | ($70,533.56) | ($70,533.56) |
18102 - UC BREAST CANCER RES 6/10 | ($109,751.30) | ($109,751.30) |
18109 - TOBACCO-RELATED RESEARCH 06/09 | ($153,437.53) | ($153,437.53) |
18110 - TOBACCO-RELATED RESEARCH 6/10 | ($61,377.87) | ($61,377.87) |
18111 - TOBACCO RELATED RES PROG D.00 6/11 | ($156,311.79) | ($156,311.79) |
18194 - STATE APPROPRIATION-COMP ABSENCE AC | $33,597.10 | $33,597.10 |
Total | ($531,175.19) | ($531,175.19) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.