Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
20090 - CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT INCOME | ($43,992.01) | ($43,992.01) |
20095 - EDUCATIONAL FEE | ($12,245.00) | ($12,245.00) |
20170 - APPLICATION PROCESS FEE-GRADUATE | ($42,250.00) | ($42,250.00) |
20226 - PROFESSIONAL FEE MEDICINE | ($5,925.98) | ($5,925.98) |
20236 - MERAGE/EXEC MBA PROG | ($197,645.03) | ($197,645.03) |
20284 - TUITION&FEES/COMPENSATED ABSENCES A | $221,236.71 | $221,236.71 |
20292 - SUMMER SESSION DISTRIBUTIONS | ($767,393.61) | ($767,393.61) |
Total | ($848,214.92) | ($848,214.92) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.