Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
21342 - NSF ARRA DBI-0846218 XIE J53/B25 6/ | ($5,520.00) | ($5,520.00) |
33008 - ARRA AI-81456 DEMETRIOU D00.0 6/10 | ($6,938.78) | ($6,938.78) |
33017 - ARRA D/AI078691-01A1 GOULDING D0.0 | ($3,848.11) | ($3,848.11) |
33033 - ARRA EY019413-01S1 ANDERSEN J53.0 1 | ($4,751.31) | ($4,751.31) |
33077 - ARRA GM-56647-10S1 MOTA-BRAVO J08.0 | ($60,965.79) | ($60,965.79) |
Total | ($82,023.99) | ($82,023.99) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.