Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18049 - SA-INST SCI & INNOVATIONS 6/11 | ($10,138.00) | ($10,138.00) |
18082 - SA-LOTTERY FUNDS-NEW EQ/IS SUP | ($214,940.97) | ($214,940.97) |
18083 - SA-LOTTERY FUNDS-INSTRUCT CMPT | ($448,771.01) | ($448,771.01) |
18085 - SA-EXCESS LOTTERY FUND-18085 | ($102,737.53) | ($102,737.53) |
18086 - SA-SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOC LOTTERY | ($2,075.20) | ($2,075.20) |
18998 - STATE-GASB COMP/ELIM CAP | $38,180.15 | $38,180.15 |
Total | ($740,482.56) | ($740,482.56) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.