Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18599 - UC/CA LTRCY PJT NCLB5CLRPUCSC MORAN | $103.45 | $103.45 |
18617 - UCOP NCLBXCWPUCSC SCOTT 6/09 | ($5,550.07) | ($5,550.07) |
18622 - UCOP CDE NCLB6CWPUCSC01 SCOTT 6/10 | ($43,485.57) | ($43,485.57) |
18623 - UCOP NCLBXCRLPUCSC MORAN 8/09 | ($30,398.25) | ($30,398.25) |
18627 - UCOP NCLB6CRLPUCSC MORAN 6/10 | ($45,803.52) | ($45,803.52) |
Total | ($125,133.96) | ($125,133.96) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.