Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18082 - S/A-PERMANENT NEW EQUIPMENT | ($4,922.93) | ($4,922.93) |
18085 - LOC 'O'-S/A-ONE TIME INSTRUCT. SUPP | ($13,203.86) | ($13,203.86) |
18090 - STATE APPROP/BREAST CANCER RSCH | ($0.50) | ($0.50) |
18101 - STATE APPR/BREAST CANCER RSCH | ($69,333.60) | ($69,333.60) |
18102 - STATE APPROP/BREAST CENCER RESEARCH | ($28,354.50) | ($28,354.50) |
18110 - STATE APPROP/TRDRP | ($83,905.29) | ($83,905.29) |
Total | ($199,720.68) | ($199,720.68) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.