Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
20095 - STUDENT FINAN AID USAP | ($47,132,250.58) | ($47,132,250.58) |
20226 - MEDICINE PROF SCHOOL FEE | ($307,172.00) | ($307,172.00) |
20231 - BUS ADM/MGMT PROF SCHOOL FEE | ($830,185.00) | ($830,185.00) |
20291 - SUMMER SESSION INC-ODD YRS | ($32,500.00) | ($32,500.00) |
20322 - UNEX CONCURRNT ENROLLMENT | ($34,830.50) | ($34,830.50) |
20399 - YE DUMMY OFFSET-TUITION & FEES | $48,362,845.00 | $48,362,845.00 |
Total | $25,906.92 | $25,906.92 |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.