Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
20883 - FIRST 5 DS148 WILD 6/30/08 | $563.12 | $563.12 |
20884 - FIRST 5 DS149 WILD 6/08 | $251.43 | $251.43 |
20924 - FIRST 5 DS148A1 WILD 6/09 | ($94,844.00) | ($94,844.00) |
20925 - FIRST 5 DS149A1 WILD 6/09 | ($19,360.92) | ($19,360.92) |
20970 - CALCFCSB DS148A2 WILD 6/10 | ($578,838.24) | ($578,838.24) |
20972 - CALCFCSB DS149A2 WILD 6/10 | ($424,421.23) | ($424,421.23) |
20999 - YE DUMMY OFFSET-LOCAL GOVT | ($350,628.71) | ($350,628.71) |
Total | ($1,467,278.55) | ($1,467,278.55) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.