Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18011 - CHRP-AIDS RESEARCH 07-08 (2011) | ($126,848.58) | ($126,848.58) |
18012 - CHRP-AIDS RESEARCH 08-09 (2011) | ($953,356.67) | ($953,356.67) |
18013 - CHRP-AIDS RESEARCH 09-10 (2012) | ($101,728.68) | ($101,728.68) |
18025 - 09-10 PRESIDENT'S WORKSTUDY (5/12) | ($126,628.83) | ($126,628.83) |
18027 - SPECIAL STATE PRESIDENT'S WORK STUD | $41.20 | $41.20 |
18049 - CAL INSTITUTE FOR SCIENCE & INNOVAT | ($5,864.03) | ($5,864.03) |
18050 - 09-10 CA INST FOR SCI&INNOVATIONS(5 | ($600,000.00) | ($600,000.00) |
Total | ($1,914,385.59) | ($1,914,385.59) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.