Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
26260 - DHHS HHSP23320072203TC | ($862.41) | ($862.41) |
26799 - FEDERAL CONTRACTS SUMMARY | ($2,409.09) | ($2,409.09) |
80124 - USDA FAS 58-3148-7-150 | ($117,000.15) | ($117,000.15) |
81153 - NFAH IC-01-09-0294 | ($32,312.38) | ($32,312.38) |
81157 - IPA ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER UCD09-06 | ($56,938.82) | ($56,938.82) |
81204 - USDA 58-3148-9-182 | ($51,906.54) | ($51,906.54) |
81210 - USDA 9012 | ($7,643.89) | ($7,643.89) |
81310 - USDI GS G09PX01836 | ($8,163.26) | ($8,163.26) |
81314 - DOT DTOS59-09-P-0058 | ($24,488.20) | ($24,488.20) |
81348 - NIST UCD10-01116 IPA | ($52,388.27) | ($52,388.27) |
81907 - USDA ADVANCE | ($27,259.69) | ($27,259.69) |
Total | ($381,372.70) | ($381,372.70) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.