Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18082 - PERMANENT NEW EQUIPMENT - LOTTERY | ($2,565.00) | ($2,565.00) |
18083 - INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTING - LOTTERY | ($98,538.34) | ($98,538.34) |
88238 - CA H&W OSHDP #08-9402 | ($34,713.44) | ($34,713.44) |
88251 - CA H&W DEPT REHAB #27737 A113258 | ($110,269.40) | ($110,269.40) |
Total | ($246,086.18) | ($246,086.18) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.