Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
25747 - UCB SA4458 ES009137 | $2,016.35 | $2,016.35 |
25764 - UCOP 04-HRD-0450366-08 | ($198,258.63) | ($198,258.63) |
26054 - DOL JOB CORPS - TREASURE ISLAND | ($22,560.00) | ($22,560.00) |
26223 - P.O.#97-0560(P)-BHPR02/98F-T-3 | ($5,541.91) | ($5,541.91) |
26653 - US EPA #2W8E12 QT-DC-08-003130 | ($15,495.81) | ($15,495.81) |
26749 - V261P-1534 VAMC/SF SWANSON | $241.24 | $241.24 |
26916 - DHHS FDA # HHSF2232200730789P | ($1,152.68) | ($1,152.68) |
26919 - PHS-CDC 200-2008-M-27931 | ($21,910.46) | ($21,910.46) |
26925 - PHS-CDC #PR541274 | ($3,849.14) | ($3,849.14) |
26930 - PHS-CDC #200-2009-M-32363 | ($24,514.30) | ($24,514.30) |
26936 - OFFICE OF AIDS RESEARCH/NIH | ($5,565.66) | ($5,565.66) |
28924 - VAMC #VA662-C99197 | ($26,496.31) | ($26,496.31) |
Total | ($323,087.31) | ($323,087.31) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.