Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
23401 - DOE FEDERAL WORK STUDY LAWRENCE 0% | $9,471.69 | $9,471.69 |
23403 - DOE FWS TUTOR/LITERACY LAWRENCE 0% | $30.99 | $30.99 |
23416 - USDE AT-RISK STUDENTS LAWRENCE 9/11 | ($59,243.54) | ($59,243.54) |
23494 - DOE FEDERAL WORK STUDY LAWRENCE 0% | ($30,946.46) | ($30,946.46) |
23496 - DOE FWS TUTOR/LITERACY LAWRENCE 0% | ($12,187.97) | ($12,187.97) |
24920 - PELL ADMIN - ACA - LAWRENCE | ($13,460.00) | ($13,460.00) |
24997 - COMPENSATED ABSENCE-FEDERAL GRANTS | ($1,163.98) | ($1,163.98) |
Total | ($107,499.27) | ($107,499.27) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.