Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18081 - CTR EARTHQUAKE ENG RES | ($842,471.60) | ($842,471.60) |
18092 - HEALTH CARE BENEFIT FUND | ($113,870.08) | ($113,870.08) |
18093 - S/A HEALTH CARE BENEFIT 09-10 | ($149,725.78) | ($149,725.78) |
18101 - S/A BREAST CANCER RES 06-07 | ($172,411.93) | ($172,411.93) |
18110 - S/A TOBACCO-REL DIS RES 07-08 | ($89,557.06) | ($89,557.06) |
18111 - S/A TOBACCO-REL DIS RES 08-09 | ($23,256.74) | ($23,256.74) |
18198 - VACATION/COMP ACCRUALS | $3,341.20 | $3,341.20 |
18199 - CAPITAL LEASE/PURCHASE REVERSA | $299,836.00 | $299,836.00 |
20599 - YEAR-END ACCRUALS & DEFERRALS | $16,942.23 | $16,942.23 |
Total | ($1,071,173.76) | ($1,071,173.76) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.