Fund [show totals] | Amount | Total |
18012 - S/A AIDS RESEARCH 08-09 | ($67,146.63) | ($67,146.63) |
18013 - S/A AIDS RESEARCH 09-10 | ($5,513.62) | ($5,513.62) |
18048 - S/A SUBJ MATTER PROJECTS 07-08 | ($0.66) | ($0.66) |
18049 - CAL INSTI FOR SCI & INNO 08-09 | ($371,685.09) | ($371,685.09) |
18050 - CAL INST SCIENCE & INNOVATIONS | ($491,978.11) | ($491,978.11) |
18051 - CAL INSTI FOR SCI & INNO 07-08 | $23,910.99 | $23,910.99 |
18068 - VACATION/COMP ACCRUALS | ($5,929.05) | ($5,929.05) |
20569 - YEAR-END ACCRUALS & DEFERRALS | ($163,003.04) | ($163,003.04) |
Total | ($1,081,345.21) | ($1,081,345.21) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.