California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Amount By Fund and Amount Type for Campus: Davis and Fund Group: ENDOW PRIN APPROP-OPPORTUNITY FUNDS

Fund\Amount Type [show totals] Beginning
7427 - UNIVERSITY OPPORTUNITY FUND $5,369,211.36 ($13,622,331.80) $24,159,284.98 $15,906,164.54 $31,812,329.08
9501 - MANAGEMENT FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM $23,977.65 $0.00 ($14,500.00) $9,477.65 $18,955.30
9502 - UCAN PROGRAM $14,365.62 $0.00 $0.00 $14,365.62 $28,731.24
9504 - UNIV OPPORT FUND STAFF EAA PROG $98,437.06 ($38,845.64) $50,110.00 $109,701.42 $219,402.84
9505 - UNIV OPPORT FUND CAMPUSWIDE EAA PRO $265.76 ($19,980.13) $27,207.00 $7,492.63 $14,985.26
9509 - EAA OTHER ADMIN COSTS $22,591.71 ($1,912.16) ($20,679.55) $0.00 $0.00
9510 - PRE-TENURE PROGRAM $150,473.39 ($11,438.65) $3,032.00 $142,066.74 $284,133.48
9520 - INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT $244,368.46 ($331,728.07) $392,857.50 $305,497.89 $610,995.78
9525 - INSTITUE FOR RESEARCH IN THE ARTS $18,714.46 $0.00 $0.00 $18,714.46 $37,428.92
9530 - UNIV PRE-GRADUATE MENTORSHIP PROG $24,682.34 ($39,779.13) $52,620.00 $37,523.21 $75,046.42
9531 - UOF U/G MINORITY SCHOLARS PROGRAM $143,218.25 ($52,749.03) $50,115.16 $140,584.38 $281,168.76
9532 - UOF-GRAD MENTORSHIP PROGRAM $38,500.00 $0.00 $38,500.00 $77,000.00 $154,000.00
9533 - SAA-TRANSFER PROGRAM $0.00 ($2,267.97) $6,616.00 $4,348.03 $8,696.06
9539 - SAA-GENERAL $93,374.23 ($40,004.35) $55,862.00 $109,231.88 $218,463.76
9551 - UNIV OPPORTUNITY FUND-RESEARCH MATC $86,431.88 ($8,769.09) ($13,378.93) $64,283.86 $128,567.72
9552 - UOF INDIRECT COST RECOVERY $37,029.95 $1,598.40 ($0.01) $38,628.34 $77,256.68
9553 - UNIV OPPORT FUND-BRIDGE PROGRAM $24,307.76 ($10,966.15) $0.00 $13,341.61 $26,683.22
9554 - FACULTY RESEARCH GRANTS $179,276.81 ($69,850.53) $38,012.62 $147,438.90 $294,877.80
Total $6,569,226.69 ($14,249,024.30) $24,825,658.77 $17,145,861.16 $34,291,722.32
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Some "Expenses" and "Net Transfers" may be overstated in this table, because in this table, we capture certain amounts related to indirect costs as "Expenses" to offset related amounts included in "Net Transfers" to provide accurate ending balance amounts.

Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.