California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Amount By Fund and Amount Type for Fund Group: DEFERRED MAINTENENCE

Fund Number [show totals]Fund NameCampus Beginning
69295DEF MAINT/ASBESTOD/GYPSUM SETTLEMNTSanta Cruz $109,789.00 $109,789.00
69924Fac Mgmt: 2009-11 Statewide EnergyDavis ($1,436,120.80) ($1,436,120.80)
69932POOL 8 PPS DEF MAINT SER NSan Diego $1,546,028.43 $1,546,028.43
69934FACILITIES MGT:DM 07/08 69934/19933Davis ($284,648.51) ($284,648.51)
69935DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 04-05Los Angeles $0.63 $0.63
69935FACIL MGT: 08-09 CRUESS HALL DEF MDavis ($66,111.11) ($66,111.11)
69936DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 06-07Los Angeles ($293,987.42) ($293,987.42)
69937DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 07-08Los Angeles ($15,205.72) ($15,205.72)
Total ($440,255.50) ($440,255.50)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.