Fund Group\Campus [show totals] | UCOP or Systemwide Programs | Berkeley | San Francisco | Davis | Los Angeles | Riverside | San Diego | Santa Cruz | Santa Barbara | Irvine | Merced | Total |
**GENERAL FUNDS | $49,555,978.56 | ($77,947,410.50) | ($38,411,862.69) | ($76,502,013.70) | $43,875,156.49 | $19,865,751.94 | $986,470.71 | ($9,617,919.35) | ($45,867,253.69) | $19,342,959.22 | ($5,039,374.43) | ($119,759,517.44) |
Total | $49,555,978.56 | ($77,947,410.50) | ($38,411,862.69) | ($76,502,013.70) | $43,875,156.49 | $19,865,751.94 | $986,470.71 | ($9,617,919.35) | ($45,867,253.69) | $19,342,959.22 | ($5,039,374.43) | ($119,759,517.44) |
Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.
Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.