Reports Issued in 2003
Date Issued | Report Number | Report Title |
January 2, 2003 | 2001-015 |
Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System: The State Must Weigh Factors Other Than Need and Cost-Effectiveness When Determining Future Funding for the System |
January 16, 2003 | 2002-555 |
California State Auditor Biennial Report, Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2001 and 2002: Improving Government Operations Amid Challenging Times |
February 13, 2003 | 2002-001R |
State of California: Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 2002 |
February 26, 2003 | 2003-406 |
Implementation of State Auditor's Recommendations: Audits Released in January 2001 Through January 2003 |
February 27, 2003 | 2002-111 |
Information Technology: Control Structures Are Only Part of Successful Governance |
March 11, 2003 | 2002-110 |
California State University: Its Common Management System Has Higher Than Reported Costs, Less Than Optimal Functionality, and Questionable Procurement and Conflict-of-Interest Practices |
March 26, 2003 | 2002-112 |
State Procurement Practices: Proposed Reforms Should Help Safeguard State Resources, but the Potential for Misuse Remains |
April 2, 2003 | 2002-009 |
California Energy Markets: The State's Position Has Improved, Due to Efforts by the Department of Water Resources and Other Factors, but Cost Issues and Legal Challenges Continue |
April 17, 2003 | I2003-1 |
Investigations of Improper Activities by State Employees: August 2002 Through January 2003 |
April 24, 2003 | 2002-030 |
State Bar of California: Although It Reasonably Sets and Manages Mandatory Fees, It Faces Potential Deficits in the Future and Needs to More Strictly Enforce Disciplinary Policies and Procedures |
April 30, 2003 | 2002-118 |
Department of Health Services: Its Efforts to Further Reduce Prescription Drug Costs Have Been Hindered by Its Inability to Hire More Pharmacists and Its Lack of Aggressiveness in Pursuing Available Cost-Saving Measures |
May 13, 2003 | 2002-124 |
Franchise Tax Board: Its Performance Measures Are Insufficient to Justify Requests for New Audit or Collection Program Staff |
May 19, 2003 | 2002-002 |
State of California: Internal Control and State and Federal Compliance Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 |
May 21, 2003 | 2002-123.1 |
Federal Funds: California's Share of Grant Funding Is Close to Its Share of the Population, but State Spending Cuts May Result in Reduced Federal Funds |
June 19, 2003 | 2002-122 |
State Controller's Office: Does Not Always Ensure the Safekeeping, Prompt Distribution, and Collection of Unclaimed Property |
June 26, 2003 | 2002-120 |
California Veterans Board: Without a Clear Understanding of the Extent of Its Authority, the Board Has Not Created Sufficient Policies Nor Provided Effective Oversight to the Department of Veterans Affairs |
July 3, 2003 | 2002-126 |
California Department of Transportation: Low Cash Balances Threaten the Department's Ability to Promptly Deliver Planned Transportation Projects |
July 22, 2003 | 2002-121 |
California Environmental Protection Agency: Insufficient Data Exists on the Number of Abandoned, Idled, or Underused Contaminated Properties, and Liability Concerns and Funding Constraints Can Impede Their Cleanup and Redevelopment |
July 30, 2003 | 2002-113 |
Governor's Office of Emergency Services: Its Oversight of the State's Emergency Plans and Procedures Needs Improvement While Its Future Ability to Respond to Emergencies May Be Hampered by Aging Equipment and Funding Concerns |
July 31, 2003 | 2002-117 |
Terrorism Readiness: The Office of Homeland Security, Governor's Office of Emergency Services, and California National Guard Need to Improve Their Readiness to Address Terrorism |
August 6, 2003 | 2002-123.2 |
Federal Funds: The State of California Takes Advantage of Available Federal Grants, but Budget Constraints and Other Issues Keep It From Maximizing This Resource |
August 19, 2003 | 2002-114 |
Department of Social Services: Continuing Weaknesses in the Department's Community Care Licensing Programs May Put the Health and Safety of Vulnerable Clients at Risk |
August 20, 2003 | 2003-105 |
California Law Enforcement and Correctional Agencies: With Increased Efforts, They Could Improve the Accuracy and Completeness of Public Information on Sex Offenders |
August 27, 2003 | 2003-108.1 |
California's Workers' Compensation Program: The Medical Payment System Does Not Adequately Control the Costs to Employers to Treat Injured Workers or Allow for Adequate Monitoring of System Costs and Patient Care |
September 3, 2003 | 2003-005 |
State of California: Treasurer's Cash Count as of December 31, 2002 |
September 3, 2003 | 2003-008 |
State of California: Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer's Office December 31, 2002 |
September 11, 2003 | 2002-019 |
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services: Despite Securing Additional Funding and Implementing Some Cost-Cutting Measures, It Still Faces Significant Challenges to Addressing Its Growing Budget Deficit |
September 17, 2003 | I2003-2 |
Investigations of Improper Activities by State Employees: February 2003 Through June 2003 |
September 24, 2003 | 99028.2 |
Child Support Enforcement Program: The State Has Contracted With IBM to Develop and Implement the Major Component of the Statewide Automated Child Support System |
October 15, 2003 | 2003-106 |
State Mandates: The High Level of Questionable Costs Claimed Highlights the Need for Structural Reforms of the Process |
November 6, 2003 | 2003-107 |
California Department of Education: The Extensive Number and Breadth of Categorical Programs Challenges the State's Ability to Reform and Oversee Them |
November 25, 2003 | 2003-103 |
California Public Utilities Commission: State Law and Regulations Establish Firm Deadlines for Only a Small Number of Its Proceedings |
December 3, 2003 | 2003-555 |
The California State Auditor: Helping Decision Makers Create a Better State Government: July 2002 Through September 2003 |
December 9, 2003 | 2003-010 |
Department of Transportation: Its Seismic Retrofit Expenditures Comply With the Bond Act and Its Reimbursement of Interim Funding for Fiscal Years 1994-95 and 1995-96 Is Nearly Complete |
December 10, 2003 | 2003-113 |
California Integrated Waste Management Board: Its New Regulations Establish Rules for Oversight of Construction and Demolition Debris Sites, but Good Communication and Enforcement Are Also Needed to Help Prevent Threats to Public Health and Safety |
December 16, 2003 | 2002-116 |
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority: It Is Too Early to Predict Service Sector Success, but Opportunities for Improved Analysis and Communication Exist |
December 17, 2003 | 2003-102 |
Water Quality Control Boards: Could Improve Their Administration of Water Quality Improvement Projects Funded by Enforcement Actions |
December 18, 2003 | 2002-032 |
California's Education Institutions: A Lack of Guidance Results in Their Inaccurate or Inconsistent Reporting of Campus Crime Statistics |
December 22, 2003 | 2003-112 |
Department of Health Services: It Needs to Better Plan and Coordinate Its Medi-Cal Antifraud Activities |
December 31, 2003 | 2003-006 |
State of California: Treasurer's Cash Count as of June 30, 2003 |