Reports Issued in 1995
Date Issued | Report Number | Report Title |
January 5, 1995 | 94005 |
State Treasurer's Cash Count (March 31, 1994)
January 18, 1995 | 94026.1 |
Status Report of the Orange County Treasurer's Office (Letter Report) |
February 1, 1995 | 95012 |
The Department of Health Services' Information on Drug Treatment Authorization Requests |
February 2, 1995 | 94026.2 |
Status Report on the Orange County Treasurer's Office (Letter Report) |
February 8, 1995 | I95-1 |
Investigations of Improper Governmental Activities: August 1 Through December 31, 1994 |
February 24, 1995 | 94014 |
The State's Use of Transportation Funds Allowed by the 1989 Transportation Blueprint Legislation (Letter Report) |
March 1, 1995 | 93032 |
The Medical Board Needs to Maximize Its Recovery of Costs |
March 1, 1995 | 94016 |
A Review of the State's Bond Sales for 1993 and 1994 |
March 28, 1995 | 94026.3 |
Orange County: Treasurer's Investment Strategy Was Excessively Risky and Violated the Public Trust |
March 29, 1995 | 94023 |
Department of Social Services: Review and Assessment of the Cost Effectiveness of AFDC Fraud Detection Programs (Contract audit by Deloitte & Touche) |
March 30, 1995 | 94024 |
State Architect: Contracting Practices Need Improvement |
April 3, 1995 | 94006 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (June 30, 1994)
April 5, 1995 | 94008 |
State of California: Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer's Office, June 30, 1994 |
April 18, 1995 | 94021 |
Department of Social Services: The Department's Approach to Welfare Automation Is Too Costly and Unlikely To Succeed (Contract audit by Ernst & Young) |
April 27, 1995 | 94001 |
State of California: Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 1994 |
May 22, 1995 | 95107 |
Report of the Orange County Restructuring Plan (Letter Report) |
June 13, 1995 | 95101 |
County Investments: Treasurers Should Avoid Risky Investment Strategies |
June 21, 1995 | 94002 |
State of California: Financial and Compliance Weaknesses Have a Cumulative Effect on the State's Operations |
June 21, 1995 | 94007 |
State Treasurer's Cash Count (September 30, 1994)
June 27, 1995 | 95005 |
State Treasurer's Cash Count (January 31, 1995)
June 30, 1995 | 94003 |
State of California: Single Audit Report Year Ended June 30, 1994
July 27, 1995 | 94117 |
Department of Health Services: The Orange County District Office Needs To Further Improve Its Oversight of Health Care Facilities |
August 1, 1995 | 95011 |
Department of Health Services: Drug Treatment Authorization Requests Continue to Increase |
August 2, 1995 | 94111 |
Department of Education: Has Not Spent Millions for Child Care and Development Services |
August 8, 1995 | I95-2 |
Investigations of Improper Governmental Activities: January 1 Through June 30, 1995 |
August 22, 1995 | 93031 |
Department of Rehabilitation: Business Enterprise Program for the Blind Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 1994 |
September 12, 1995 | 94015 |
State Departments: Many Do Not Comply With Consultant Contract Requirements |
September 13, 1995 | 95117 |
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
October 11, 1995 | 94106 |
Department of Fish and Game: Administrative Processes Need Improvement |
November 1, 1995 | 93109 |
Trade and Commerce Agency: The Effectiveness of the Employment and Economic Incentive and Enterprise Zone Programs Cannot Be Determined |
November 15, 1995 | 93033 |
Department of Motor Vehicles: No Firefighters' License Plates Have Been Issued to the Public |
November 15, 1995 | 95020 |
Department of Motor Vehicles: Collegiate License Plate Revenues Have Been Overallocated |
November 21, 1995 | 94101 |
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: A Review of Allegations Concerning the State's Management of the Federal Excess Personal Property Program |
November 29, 1995 | 94120 |
CSU and UC: Campuses Generally Provide Access for Students With Disabilities |
December 12, 1995 | 95021 |
Student Aid Commission: Problems Continue With Its Automated Financial Aid Processing System |
December 12, 1995 | 95007 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (May 31, 1995)
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