Reports Issued in 1994
Date Issued | Report Number | Report Title |
January 4, 1994 | 93020 |
Department of Health Services' Licensing and Certification Program Performance Audit, (Contract audit by Deloitte & Touche) |
January 11, 1994 | 93011 |
A Review of the Reports Submitted By the Department of Corrections and the Department of the Youth Authority on the Early Intervention Program (Letter Report) |
January 11, 1994 | I930108 |
Employees of the University of California, San Diego, Misappropriated Public Funds for Personal Profit and Falsified Documents To Make Other Improper Payments |
January 21, 1994 | 93016 |
A Review of the State's Bond Sales for 1991 and 1992 |
February 1, 1994 | 93029 |
The Department of Health Services' Information on Drug Treatment Authorization Requests (Letter Report) |
February 2, 1994 | I94-1 |
Investigative Activity Report and Public Reports of Investigations Completed by the Bureau of State Audits from May 7 through December 31, 1993 |
March 1, 1994 | 93014 |
A Review of the State's Allocations and Expenditures of the Additional Transportation Funds Made Available by the 1989 Transportation Blueprint Legislation, (Contract audit by R & G Associates) |
March 8, 1994 | 93114 |
A Review of Caltrans' Management of the Contract with Morrison Knudson Corporation for the Design and Construction of Railcars |
March 9, 1994 | 93006 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (June 30, 1993)
March 17, 1994 | 93025 |
The Franchise Tax Board's Tax Settlement Program has Achieved the Legislature's Intent |
March 17, 1994 | 93026 |
The Board of Equalization's Tax Settlement Program has Achieved the Legislature's Intent |
March 22, 1994 | 93008 |
State of California, Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer's Office, June 30, 1993 |
April 5, 1994 | 93013 |
Review of the Implementation, Administration, and Plans for Termination of the California Residential Earthquake Recovery Program (Contract audit by Ernst & Young) |
April 6, 1994 | 93030 |
The Department of Insurance Cannot Completely Identify Its Costs for Implementing Proposition 103 and Performing Examinations |
April 12, 1994 | 93028 |
The State's Contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System |
April 14, 1994 | 93015 |
An Analysis of the State's Compliance with Requirements for Consultant Contracts (Letter Report) |
April 17, 1994 | 94107 |
The Department of Motor Vehicles and the Office of Information Technology did not Minimize the State's Financial Risk in the Database Redevelopment Project |
April 19, 1994 | 93027 |
The Veterans Home of California Has Not Maximized Revenue From Residents and Reimbursements From the Federal Government |
May 5, 1994 | 93113 |
Poor Management Practices at the Department of Insurance's Conservation and Liquidation Division Warrant the Department's Corrective Action |
June 30, 1994 | 93001 |
State of California, Financial Report, Year Ended June 30, 1993 (Financial Statements) |
June 30, 1994 | 93003 |
State of California, Comprehensive Financial and Compliance Audit Report, Year Ended June 30, 1993
June 30, 1994 | 93002 |
Continued Improvement Needed in the State's Controls Over Its Operations (Mgmt. Letters) |
July 18, 1994 | 93119 |
Restrictive Implementation Schedules Effectively Limited Competition for the California State Lottery's New On-Line Gaming System |
July 26, 1994 | 93112 |
The Adelanto Redevelopment Agency Needs to Improve Its Procedures to Comply with the Community Redevelopment Law |
August 1, 1994 | 94012 |
The Department of Health Services' Information on Drug Treatment Authorization Requests (Letter Report) |
August 22, 1994 | 94109 |
A Review of the Department of Education's Cost and Development of the California Learning Assessment System |
September 14, 1994 | I94-2 |
Investigative Activity Report and Public Reports of Investigations Completed by the Bureau of State Audits from January 1 through July 31, 1994 |
October 6, 1994 | 93105 |
A Review of Service-Related Disability Retirements at Three Retirement Systems |
October 12, 1994 | 93007 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (October 31, 1993)
November 22, 1994 | I930279 |
Employees of the University of California, San Francisco, Improperly and Illegally Managed the Center for Prehospital Research and Training |
December 7, 1994 | 94022 |
The State Needs To Reengineer Its Management of Information Technology |
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Information on ordering Reports not available via the Internet.