Report I2019-4 Recommendation 2 Responses
Report I2019-4: Gross Mismanagement Led to the Misuse of State Resources and Multiple Violations of State Laws (Release Date: August 2019)
Case Number I2017-0840
Recommendation #2 To: Food and Agriculture, Department of
Consider exercising its authority to assume any or all rights, duties, and powers of the board of the association. If CDFA agrees to implement this recommendation, it should assume responsibility for implementing our recommendations to the association.
Agency Response From October 2019
As noted in our report, CDFA stated that it was premature to assume the rights, duties, and powers of the board of the association, with which we disagreed. Nevertheless, CDFA reported that its staff has been attending all monthly association board meetings, reviewing meeting agendas and monthly financial reports, as well as assisting the association with the development of appropriate policies and procedures. It further stated that it is scheduling monthly teleconferences with association staff and will confirm that the association has access to CDFA's online training materials. It stated that in July 2019, the CEO and four board members attended training tailored for their positions.