Report I2019-4 Recommendations
After the State Auditor's Office completes an investigation and issues a copy of its investigative report to the state department involved, the department is required by the Whistleblower Protection Act to provide the State Auditor with information about the actions it has taken in response to the report. Within 60 days of receiving the report, the department must report to the State Auditor any disciplinary action it has taken or intends to take against any employee who was a subject of the investigation. Also within 60 days, the department must report to the State Auditor any actions it has taken or intends to take to implement the recommendations made in the report to prevent the continuation or recurrence of the improper activities described in the report. When the department has not completed all of its intended actions within 60 days, the department must report on its actions monthly thereafter until all of its intended actions have been taken. Below is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced, as well as a link to a summary of what the department has reported to the State Auditor about its actions in response to the report. Information about the department’s responsive actions and the State Auditor’s assessment of those actions will be updated on this site quarterly.
Recommendations in Report I2019-4: Gross Mismanagement Led to the Misuse of State Resources and Multiple Violations of State Laws (Release Date: August 2019)
Recommendations for Case I2017-0840 Department: Food and Agriculture, Department of | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
1 | CDFA: Ensure that its audit office conducts biannual compliance audits for all district agricultural associations and that the office prioritizes auditing district agricultural associations on the watch program. |
Resolved |
2 | CDFA: Consider exercising its authority to assume any or all rights, duties, and powers of the board of the association. If CDFA agrees to implement this recommendation, it should assume responsibility for implementing our recommendations to the association. |
Fully Implemented |
3 | CDFA: Provide district agricultural associations with timely notifications from the Department of Motor Vehicles' Employer Pull Notice Program and follow up to ensure that the district agricultural associations take appropriate action. |
Fully Implemented |
4 | CDFA: To the extent that its authority allows, oversee implementation of our recommendations to the association. |
Fully Implemented |
5 | Association: Take appropriate disciplinary action against the CEO, the maintenance supervisor, and all other permanent and temporary employees who engaged in the improper governmental activities that we identified. |
Resolved |
6 | Association: Recoup the money from the CEO, the deputy manager, and the maintenance supervisor for their inappropriate purchases. |
Fully Implemented |
7 | Association: Recoup the actual costs from the maintenance supervisor for his personal use of a state vehicle. |
Resolved |
8 | Association: Recoup all travel expenses from employees and board members who exceeded the allowable travel reimbursement amounts for lodging and meals or who improperly traveled to banned states. |
Resolved |
9 | Association: Develop appropriate controls for the propane tank, including securing access to the propane tank key. The association should consider installing a meter and creating, maintaining, and auditing a propane usage log. |
Resolved |
10 | Association: Train all staff who have purchasing authority on relevant state laws and CDFA and association accounting policies. This training should specifically focus on requiring the submission of itemized receipts and preventing inappropriate or illegal purchases. |
Fully Implemented |
11 | Association: Establish an appropriate segregation of duties between credit card holders and those who reconcile the credit card statements. |
Fully Implemented |
12 | Association: Formally adopt, train staff on, and follow the Fairs and Expositions branch's accounting procedures manual, as well as CDFA's Controlled Substances and Alcohol and Incompatible Activities policies. |
Fully Implemented |
13 | Association: Implement the State Administrative Manual sections pertaining to inventory control and vehicle usage. |
Fully Implemented |
14 | Association: Require employees and board members to submit travel expense claims for their travel expenses (except airfare and car rental) and ensure that future travel-related expenses and reimbursements adhere to all applicable state laws and the Governor's Executive Order B-06-11. |
Fully Implemented |