Report I2019-0559 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report I2019-0559: California Prison Industry Authority: It Gave Nearly $1.3 Million in Unlawful Gifts to Other State Agencies and Repeatedly Violated Merit‑Based Employment Principles (Release Date: July 2021)

Case Number I2019-0559

Recommendation #5 To: Conservation Corps, California

Conservation Corps should implement new, or strengthen existing, controls and procedures to ensure that a gift to the agency from any source, public or private, is appropriately accepted or declined and that sufficient documentation is kept to create a record of it.

Agency Response From August 2021

The Conservation Corps stated that it updated its operations manual to address our recommendation in July 2021. It provided our office with a copy of its updated policy and informed us that it trained its staff on the new policy in August 2021.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

Agency Response From June 2021

The Conservation Corps informed us that it will no longer accept any goods or materials from another state entity without the appropriate documentation on file. The Conservation Corps stated that, in the coming weeks, it will incorporate these rules as policies and procedures in its operations manual and provide training to relevant staff.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in I2019-0559