Report I2016-2 Recommendation 26 Responses
Report I2016-2: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Conflict of Interest, Violation of Post-Employment Ethics Restrictions, Waste of State Funds, Misuse of State Resources, and Incompatible Activities (Release Date: August 2016)
Case Number I2014-0934
Recommendation #26 To: Transportation, Department of
Provide training to right-of-way agents and their supervisors in District 10 regarding the challenges it faces with this mobile home park.
Agency Response From March 2017
Caltrans reported that it completed its training of right-of-way agents and their supervisors in District 10. Caltrans also stated that we did not specifically recommend the analysis of inventory, rent collection, property inspections, and rent determinations that it identified in previous responses. Thus, its inclusion in the response is not required. Regardless, Caltrans is contuining with this analysis.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From December 2016
Caltrans provided us with the following documents: a copy of the statewide memorandum it sent in July 2016; the agenda and roster for the training regarding mobile home residency laws that it provided to appropriate staff and supervisors in September 2016; a copy of its updated Right of Way Manual, which reiterates the information that was disseminated in the statewide memorandum in July 2016; and a copy of the statewide memorandum it sent in September 2016, updating its practices regarding delinquent property accounts. Caltrans reported that it is still waiting for a response from the program to provide a status update of the analysis of inventory, rent collection, property inspections, and rent determinations.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From July 2016
Caltrans stated that its legal staff has provided guidance and advice concerning mobile home residency law applicable to the management of the mobile home park. In addition, Caltrans stated that it will develop and provide training about specific mobile home residency laws to appropriate staff and supervisors in the district in September 2016. Caltrans also reported that to reflect guidance on the acquisition, ownership, management, and disposition of mobile home parks, it sent a statewide memorandum on July 29, 2016, and will update its Right of Way Manual by December 31, 2016. Further, Caltrans stated that by September 30, 2016, it plans to distribute a statewide memorandum to update its practices regarding delinquent real property accounts. This memorandum will also identify performance and accountability measures. Moreover, Caltrans reported that it recently began a comprehensive analysis of inventory, rent collection, property inspections, and rent determinations. It stated that it will use the analysis to better identify areas of improvement in the management of its real property statewide and identify properties that it no longer needs.