Report 2022-120 Recommendation 17 Responses

Report 2022-120: Orange County Power Authority: Increased Board Oversight Is Needed to Improve Its Operations (Release Date: February 2023)

Recommendation #17 To: Orange County Power Authority

To improve the accuracy of its budget projections, beginning with its fiscal year 2023-24 budget, OCPA should implement its plan to use information it has collected on customer power usage and opt-out rates when making projections of its revenues, its expenditures, and its need to procure power.

6-Month Agency Response

See Item 10.2 at the 6-21-2023 Board meeting for presentation of the FY 2023-24 proposed budget. PDF page 11 of the budget book and Slide 6 of the power point presentation indicates that the budget uses both OCPA customer and SCE data.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

In June 2023, OCPA's board approved its fiscal year 2023-24 operating budget, in which OCPA states that the customer count and consumption are based on a combination of data from SCE and one of its contractors. OCPA provided evidence that demonstrated it had incorporated its actual customer power usage and opt-out rates to develop this budget.

60-Day Agency Response

OCPA has developed an Improvement Plan to address each recommendation. In accordance with the Improvement Plan, this recommendation will be completed as of June 2023.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

OCPA has not yet submitted evidence demonstrating it has implemented this recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2022-120

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.