Report 2022-120 Recommendation 14 Responses

Report 2022-120: Orange County Power Authority: Increased Board Oversight Is Needed to Improve Its Operations (Release Date: February 2023)

Recommendation #14 To: Orange County Power Authority

To allow OCPA to more conclusively demonstrate that it is appropriately responding to public records requests, it should improve its tracking and handling of these requests by developing and following written procedures governing how it processes them.

6-Month Agency Response

The Administrative Policy #1, which was approved by the Interim CEO on July 19, 2023, as outlined in Staff Report Item 11. This internal administrative policy details OCPA's established procedures for tracking and addressing PRAs. Consequently, no additional discussions regarding this item were held with the Board.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

OCPA's Interim CEO provided a set of administrative procedures for handling public records requests. The document identifies OCPA staff responsible for handling such requests, and sets forth sequential responsibilities for accepting, processing, and responding to the requests, as well as retaining the responsive records for two years' time. The procedures also specify the types of records OCPA believes are exempt from disclosure.

60-Day Agency Response

OCPA has developed an Improvement Plan to address each recommendation. In accordance with the Improvement Plan, this recommendation will be completed as of December 2023.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

OCPA has not yet submitted evidence demonstrating it has implemented this recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2022-120

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.