Report 2020-102 Recommendation 6 Responses
Report 2020-102: Public Safety Realignment: Weak State and County Oversight Does Not Ensure That Funds Are Spent Effectively (Release Date: March 2021)
Recommendation #6 To: Fresno, County of
To ensure that county jails have sufficient information to determine appropriate housing and supervision of inmates with mental illness, by June 2021 Fresno should develop a process requiring mental health providers to share with jails the mental health status of all inmates, such as whether they have a mild, moderate, or serious mental illness.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2024
Fresno County's response has not changed from the May 2021 response; however, additional information has been provided via email to Karen Wells.
- Estimated Completion Date: October 2025
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
In its previous responses, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. In the documentation that Fresno provided, we did not find evidence that it has developed a process requiring its mental health providers to share with jails the mental health status of all inmates. We look forward to Fresno's next annual response to review the progress it has made in implementing this recommendation.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2023
Fresno County's response has not changed from the May 2021 response.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
In its previous responses, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. We look forward to Fresno's next annual response to review the progress it has made in implementing this recommendation.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2022
Fresno County's response has not changed from the May 2021 response.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
In its previous responses, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. We look forward to Fresno's next annual response to review the progress it has made in this regard.
1-Year Agency Response
Fresno County's response has not changed from the 6 month response.
- Response Date: May 2022
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
In its previous responses, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. We look forward to Fresno's next annual response to review the progress it has made in this regard.
6-Month Agency Response
Fresno County's response has not changed from the 60-day response.
- Response Date: September 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
In its initial response and its 6-month response, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. We look forward to Fresno's 1-year response to review the progress it has made in this regard.
60-Day Agency Response
Fresno County's response to this recommendation has not changed from the initial response to the public Safety realignment report.
- Estimated Completion Date: 11/30/21
- Response Date: May 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
In its initial response, Fresno indicated that its Sheriff's Office would work with its medical/mental health provider to increase the sharing of all inmates' mental health statuses, including those with mild and moderate mental illnesses, with its custody partners. We look forward to Fresno's 6-month response to review the progress it has made in this regard.
All Recommendations in 2020-102
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.