Report 2020-102 Recommendations
When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.
Recommendations in Report 2020-102: Public Safety Realignment: Weak State and County Oversight Does Not Ensure That Funds Are Spent Effectively (Release Date: March 2021)
Recommendations to Alameda County | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
4 | To ensure that county jails identify inmates with mental illnesses and provide them with adequate mental health care, Alameda should immediately begin conducting mental health screening of all inmates upon admission to the county's jails. |
Pending |
5 | To ensure that county jails have sufficient information to determine appropriates housing and supervision of inmates with mental illness, by June 2021 Alameda should develop a process requiring mental health providers to share with jails the mental health status of all inmates, such as whether they have a mild, moderate, or serious mental illness. |
Pending |
7 | To ensure that it appropriately follows up on inmate deaths and works to prevent similar deaths from occurring in the future, Alameda should implement its updated inmate death follow-up process by June 2021. |
Partially Implemented |
9 | Unless the Legislature clarifies its intent otherwise, to ensure that the counties prudently and appropriately spend realignment funds, the Partnership Committee at Alameda should, starting with its next annual budget, review and make budget recommendations to its board of supervisors for all realignment accounts, including the accounts that fund non-law enforcement departments and community-based organizations. Further, Alameda should ensure that it budgets all realignment funds to eliminate excessive surpluses in realignment accounts and prevent future surpluses beyond a reasonable reserve. |
Will Not Implement |
12 | To ensure that the programs and services funded by public safety realignment funds are effective, beginning immediately, Alameda should conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of its programs and services at least every three years. |
Pending |
15 | To ensure that the county reports accurate and consistent information to the Corrections Board, beginning with its next annual report, Alameda should consistently report all law enforcement and non-law enforcement expenditures funded through the accounts that constitute public safety realignment. |
Will Not Implement |
Recommendations to Fresno, County of | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
3 | To comply with the State's jail capacity standards, Fresno should take steps to address overcrowding in its jails, while ensuring public safety. |
Pending |
6 | To ensure that county jails have sufficient information to determine appropriate housing and supervision of inmates with mental illness, by June 2021 Fresno should develop a process requiring mental health providers to share with jails the mental health status of all inmates, such as whether they have a mild, moderate, or serious mental illness. |
Pending |
10 | Unless the Legislature clarifies its intent otherwise, to ensure that the counties prudently and appropriately spend realignment funds, the Partnership Committee at Fresno should, starting with its next annual budget, review and make budget recommendations to its board of supervisors for all realignment accounts, including the accounts that fund non-law enforcement departments and community-based organizations. Further, Fresno should ensure that it budgets all realignment funds to eliminate excessive surpluses in realignment accounts and prevent future surpluses beyond a reasonable reserve. |
Pending |
13 | To ensure that the programs and services funded by public safety realignment funds are effective, beginning immediately, Fresno should conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of its programs and services at least every three years. |
Pending |
16 | To ensure that the county reports accurate and consistent information to the Corrections Board, beginning with its next annual report, Fresno should consistently report all law enforcement and non-law enforcement expenditures funded through the accounts that constitute public safety realignment. |
Will Not Implement |
Recommendations to Legislature | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
1 | To ensure that inmates serving lengthy terms in county jails have adequate educational and exercise opportunities, the Legislature should amend state law to limit the time inmates can spend in county jails to terms of no more than three years. In the event that the total sentence exceeds three years, its should require that the person serve the sentence in state prison. |
No Action Taken |
8 | To ensure consistency between state allocations and county accounting records, the Legislature should amend state law to require counties to separate mental health funding for public safety realignment from previously enacted mental health funding. |
No Action Taken |
18 | To ensure that the counties and the Corrections Board are aware of their oversight responsibilities and resolve inconsistencies we identified from county to county, the Legislature should amend state law to clearly identify the specific accounts in the Local Revenue Fund 2011 it requires county Partnership Committees to plan for and oversee and the Corrections Board to include in its annual reports to the Legislature. |
No Action Taken |
Recommendations to Los Angeles County | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
2 | To comply with the State's jail capacity standards, Los Angeles should take steps to address overcrowding in its jails, while ensuring public safety. |
Fully Implemented |
11 | Unless the Legislature clarifies its intent otherwise, to ensure that the counties prudently and appropriately spend realignment funds, the Partnership Committee at Los Angeles should, starting with its next annual budget, review and make budget recommendations to its board of supervisors for all realignment accounts, including the accounts that fund non-law enforcement departments and community-based organizations. Further, Los Angeles should ensure that it budgets all realignment funds to eliminate excessive surpluses in realignment accounts and prevent future surpluses beyond a reasonable reserve. |
Will Not Implement |
14 | To ensure that the programs and services funded by public safety realignment funds are effective, beginning immediately, Los Angeles should conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of its programs and services at least every three years. |
Pending |
17 | To ensure that the county reports accurate and consistent information to the Corrections Board, beginning with its next annual report, Los Angeles should consistently report all law enforcement and non-law enforcement expenditures funded through the accounts that constitute public safety realignment. |
Will Not Implement |
Recommendations to State and Community Corrections, Board of | ||
Number | Recommendation | Status |
19 | To ensure that the county Partnership Committees report consistent and complete, and comparable information regarding their public safety realignment funding and activities, by September 2021 the Corrections Board should develop and distribute guidance to counties of its expectations for reporting financial information related to all public safety realignment accounts. |
Will Not Implement |
20 | To ensure that the county Partnership Committees report consistent and complete, and comparable information regarding their public safety realignment funding and activities, by September 2021 the Corrections Board should develop and implement a process to review and analyze the information that counties provide about their realignment activities and expenditures each year. |
Pending |
21 | To ensure that the county Partnership Committees report consistent and complete, and comparable information regarding their public safety realignment funding and activities, by September 2021 the Corrections Board should develop definitions for terms its asks counties to report on, including assault on staff and inmate risk level. |
Pending |
22 | To comply with state law, the Corrections Board should include the cost of bringing jail facilities up to state standards in its biennial jail facility reports to the Governor and the Legislature, beginning with its 2018-2020 biennial report. |
Fully Implemented |
23 | To ensure that the counties' detention facilities address health, fire, and life safety deficiencies in a timely manner and that the Governor and the Legislature are aware of these deficiencies, beginning with its next biennial report, the Corrections Board should incorporate inspection information that the state fire marshal and county departments of public health provide to counties into its corrective action process and its reports to the Governor and the Legislature. |
Pending |
24 | To ensure that it provides state leadership and promotes best practices for counties to use, by March 2022 the Corrections Board should conduct an independent analysis of best practices, such as effective practices for restitution or rehabilitative programs, related to public safety realignment and publish the results. |
Pending |
25 | To ensure that it provides state leadership and promotes best practices for counties to use, by March 2022 the Corrections Board should categorize the best practices it lists on its website for ease of reference to the counties. |
Pending |
26 | To ensure that it provides state leadership and promotes best practices for counties to use, by March 2022 the Corrections Board should determine common county needs stemming from realignment and promote specific best practices that meet the common needs of counties, including best practices developed and adopted by California counties. |
Pending |