Report 2012-117 Recommendation 29 Responses
Report 2012-117: State Athletic Commission: Its Ongoing Administrative Struggles Call Its Future Into Question (Release Date: March 2013)
Recommendation #29 To: Athletic Commission, State
To ensure that it promptly addresses this report's findings, the commission should work with Consumer Affairs to develop an action plan to prioritize and resolve its most significant deficiencies within a specified time frame. At the very least, the commission should commit to the following within one year:
• Establishing policies and procedures that clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of the commissioners, the executive officer, and commission staff in the commission's administrative processes, such as developing and approving its budget.
• Developing a long-term financial plan based on its actual event revenues and expenditures that includes practical cost-cutting and revenue-enhancing strategies.
• Setting up systems to track key information, including revenues, expenditures, events, inspectors, and licensees.
• Formalizing administrative policies, procedures, and controls that relate to revenue collection, revenue processing, and separation of duties.
1-Year Agency Response
The Commission voted to implement the Communication policy at the June 10 meeting.
The Commission voted to implement the long term financial plan unanimously at the June 10, 2013 meeting.
Tracking systems have been set up to track expenses and revenue. Please see the 90 day response.
The Commission has formalized administrative policies related to revenue collection, processing, and separation of duties. Please see the Commission's administrative manual.
- Completion Date: June 2013
- Response Date: April 2014
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
The commission worked with Consumer Affairs to develop an action plan to address the deficiencies we noted in our report. In addition, the commission has implemented each of the four points that we included as part of this recommendation. Furthermore, the commission's accounting records demonstrate that it has maintained a fund reserve to support at least three months of operating costs. As a result, we consider this recommendation to be fully implemented.
6-Month Agency Response
CSAC Response: The Commission voted to implement the Communication policy at the June 10 meeting. Please see attachments 1, 2, and 8.
CSAC Response: The Commission voted to implement the long term financial plan unanimously at the June 10, 2013 meeting. Please see attachments 2, 4 and 8.
Tracking systems have been set up to track expenses and revenue. Please see the 90 day response or attachment 3.
The Commisison has formalized administrrative policeies related to revenue collection, processing, and sepeartion of duties. Please see the Commission's administrative manual.
- Completion Date: June 2013
- Response Date: September 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
The commission worked with Consumer Affairs to develop an action plan to address the deficiencies we noted in the report. In addition, the commission has implemented each of the four points that we included as part of this recommendation. However, because only six months have elapsed since we issued our report, it is not clear whether these steps will resolve the commission's significant deficiencies. As a result, we consider this recommendation to be pending until the commission can demonstrate that the steps it has taken have resolved its deficiencies.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
60-Day Agency Response
The commission is drafting a policy related to the roles and responsibilities of the commissioners, the executive officer, and commission staff in the commission's administrative processes. Further, the Commission is working on a long term financial plan along with revenue enhancing strategies that have been incorporated into legislation introduced by the Legislature during the fiscal year 2012-13 session. The commission also stated that it formalized policies related to tracking key information and administrative practices.
- Response Date: March 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2012-117
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.