Report 2009-118 Recommendation 6 Responses
Report 2009-118: Department of Developmental Services: A More Uniform and Transparent Procurement and Rate-Setting Process Would Improve the Cost-Effectiveness of Regional Centers (Release Date: August 2010)
Recommendation #6 To: Developmental Services, Department of
To ensure that negotiated rates are cost effective, Developmental Services should require regional centers to document how they determine that the rates they negotiate or otherwise establish are reasonable for the services to be provided.
1-Year Agency Response
Developmental Services issued a directive dated August 16, 2010, to regional centers requiring them to maintain documentation on the process used to determine and the rationale for granting any negotiated rate. (2012-406, p. 104)
- Response Date: August 2011
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2009-118
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.