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Automated License Plate Readers
To Better Protect Individuals' Privacy, Law Enforcement Must Increase Its Safeguards for the Data It Collects

Report 2019-118

Response to the Survey From—Montebello Police Department

1. What is the name of the person completing this survey? Responses 1–4 are not included in the survey results.
2. What is the title of the person completing this survey?
3. What is the phone number of the person completing this survey?
4. What is the email address of the person completing this survey?
5. Does your department:

6. Is your department: This answer is blank if the department said it operates ALPR cameras or accesses ALPR information. If the department answered this question, the responses for questions 7–15 will be blank.
In the process of implementing or arranging to access an ALPR system.
Planning to implement or arrange to access an ALPR system.
Making no plans to implement or access an ALPR system.
7. With the ALPR information your department collects as an ALPR operator, do you do any of the following? (Choose all that apply) This answer is blank if the department said it does not operate ALPR cameras.
Share it with law enforcement agencies.
Share it with other public agencies that are not law enforcement.
Sell it to law enforcement agencies.
Sell it to other public agencies that are not law enforcement.
None of the above
8. Is your department’s ALPR data storage solution compliant with the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) security policy requirements? This answer is blank if the department said it does not operate ALPR cameras.
9. Which systems do you currently use to store, share, or access ALPR information? (Choose all that apply)

10. Does your department have an ALPR usage and privacy policy? 
11. Does your department post its privacy policy on its website? This answer is blank if the department said it does not have an ALPR policy.

12. Please list the link to where your policy is posted on your department’s website: This answer is blank if the department said that it does not post its privacy policy on its website, or if it said that it does not have an ALPR policy.
13. How long does your department retain ALPR information not related to ongoing investigations or litigation?

14. How many department personnel have access to ALPR data as of today?
15. How many total personnel does your department have as of today?

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