Department of Housing and Community Development
June 15, 2020
Elaine M. Howle
California State Auditor
621 Capitol Mall, Suite 1200
Sacramento, California 95814
RE: Mobilehome Park Inspections: The Department of Housing and Community Development Must Improve Its Inspection Process to Better Protect Park Residents
Dear Ms. Howle:
The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) appreciates the California State Auditor's examination of Mobilehome Park Inspections in its draft report titled “The Department of Housing and Community Development Must Improve its Inspection Process to Better Protect Park Residents.”
We concur with the recommendations and have already completed and implemented many of the recommendations provided in the report that illustrate areas of improvement to better protect the health and safety of California mobilehome park residents, park owners, and help secure the sustainability of property.
We have initiated key improvements to reduce the risk of unreported health and safety violations by developing Mobilehome Park Maintenance selection criteria and commit to continuing to evaluate those procedures for selecting parks for inspection. In addition, HCD has made enhancements to the Codes and Standards Automated System (CASAS) to include language for notifying complainants of their due process rights to a hearing.
HCD management has committed to improve inspector training and has also directed staff to ensure consistency with the data to effectively manage the costs and resources of its program activities. Finally, staff is completing the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Monitoring Guide to formalize policies and procedures for evaluating LEAs and will use the guide to train its staff to monitor an adequate number of LEAs.
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this draft report. We look forward to providing an update on the progress made in our 60-day agency response. Through formalized inspection policies and procedures, better resource management and reporting, and more robust LEA monitoring, we will be better able to serve the public and promote safe, affordable housing and strong vibrant communities throughout California.
Should you have any questions, please contact HCD's Chief Internal Auditor, Mathew Raute at (916) 263-7417 or
Zack Olmstead
Chief Deputy Director
cc: | Lourdes M. Castro Ramírez, Secretary, Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency Patti Ochoa, Administrative Process Manager, Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency |