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Hate Crimes in California
The California Department of Justice and Local Law Enforcement Agencies Have Not Adequately Identified, Reported,
or Responded to Hate Crimes

Report Number: 2017-131

Hate Crimes Reported in California
Supplemental Data

The California Department of Justice's Criminal Justice Statistics Center collects hate crime information from law enforcement agencies throughout the State and stores this information in its hate crime database. The interactive tables below present this information across the State from 2007 through 2016. For instructions on keyboard access, click here.

Source: California State Auditor's analysis of hate crimes data obtained from the California Department of Justice (DOJ), and data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Note: Due to limitations in the location data DOJ collects, we were unable to determine the precise locations where crimes occurred. Consequently, we plotted crimes based on the address of the law enforcement agency that reported the crime to DOJ.