Career and Technical Education--Basic Grants to States |
During our audit for fiscal year 2011-12, we reported that the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office) lacked adequate controls to monitor the use of federal awards through site visits, limited scope audits, or other means and did not review community college district OMB Circular A-133 audits for findings related to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The Chancellor’s Office relied on its review of quarterly expenditure reports submitted by community college districts to determine if expenditures were allowable; however, those reports contained summarized data and did not include other support such as invoices or receipts. In response to the finding, in fiscal year 2012-13 the Chancellor’s Office developed a risk-based monitoring plan, including a selection process for site visits and desk reviews. However, no site visits, desk reviews or other monitoring procedures were performed in fiscal year 2012-13. In addition, we tested subrecipient OMB Circular A-133 reports and found that six of the 72 subrecipients had CTE program findings. The Chancellor’s Office did not issue management decisions within the required six months for these findings. Failure to properly monitor subrecipients increases the risk that Federal funds may be spent for unallowable purposes. |
2011-12 |