Trade Adjustment Assistance |
While EDD had policies and procedures in place throughout the year to ensure its field offices made appropriate eligibility determinations for the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, it only recently implemented them. EDD had not completed full implementation of its policies and procedures until after our period of review. |
2006-07 |
The federal TAA program is administered on a Federal Fiscal Year, not a State Fiscal Year, and the federal Department of Labor's reporting structure for TAA is in accordance with a FFY. EDD develops and implements procedures in accordance with the federal guidelines of the TAA program. EDD states that it is fully complying with the program's monitoring requirements for FFY 2009-2010. |
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Trade Adjustment Assistance |
While EDD had policies and procedures in place throughout the year to ensure its field offices made appropriate eligibility determinations for the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, it only recently implemented them. EDD had not completed full implementation of its policies and procedures until after our period of review. |
2006-07 |
The federal TAA program is administered on a Federal Fiscal Year, not a State Fiscal Year, and the federal Department of Labor's reporting structure for TAA is in accordance with a FFY. EDD implemented new TAA monitoring guidelines prior to the beginning of FFY 2009-2010 and has completed monitoring reviews for the first, second, and third quarters of FFY 2009-2010. |
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DVOP (Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program) |
Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. |
2007-08 |
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. |
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Employment Services/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities |
Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. |
2007-08 |
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. |
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LVER (Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program) |
Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. |
2007-08 |
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. |
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WIA Dislocated Workers |
EDD does not monitor all of its non-Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIA) to ensure that non-LWIAs are complying with federal laws, regulations, and provisions of grant agreements. |
2007-08 |
EDD's Compliance Monitoring Section continues its efforts to monitor all Workforce Investment Act (WIA) recipients to ensure that federal funds are used for authorized purposes. EDD believes it has fully addressed this finding. All non-LWIAs that had signed contracts and received funding were monitored for compliance, except for one non-LWIA whose monitoring review was slightly postponed beyond the original scheduled date. |
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WIA Youth Activities |
EDD does not monitor all of its non-Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIA) to ensure that non-LWIAs are complying with federal laws, regulations, and provisions of grant agreements. |
2007-08 |
EDD's Compliance Monitoring Section continues its efforts to monitor all Workforce Investment Act (WIA) recipients to ensure that federal funds are used for authorized purposes. EDD believes it has fully addressed this finding. All non-LWIAs that had signed contracts and received funding were monitored for compliance, except for one non-LWIA whose monitoring review was slightly postponed beyond the original scheduled date. |
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Workforce Investment Act Adult Program |
EDD does not monitor all of its non-Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIA) to ensure that non-LWIAs are complying with federal laws, regulations, and provisions of grant agreements. |
2007-08 |
EDD's Compliance Monitoring Section continues its efforts to monitor all Workforce Investment Act (WIA) recipients to ensure that federal funds are used for authorized purposes. EDD believes it has fully addressed this finding. All non-LWIAs that had signed contracts and received funding were monitored for compliance, except for one non-LWIA whose monitoring review was slightly postponed beyond the original scheduled date. |
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