Title I Grants to LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) |
Education does not have an adequate process in place for assessing the cash needs of its subrecipients. |
2001-02 |
To effectively improve cash management over federal programs, Education implemented a pilot project involving LEAs submitting federal cash balances on a quarterly basis using a Web?based reporting system. Education’s cash management pilot project commenced with the Title II?Improving Teacher Quality federal program for the quarter period ending October 31, 2009. Subsequently, Education incorporated the reporting of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds via the Web?based reporting system. In addition, Education has dedicated staff and implemented new cash management fiscal monitoring procedures to verify, on a sample basis, LEAs’ reported cash balances and to ensure compliance with federal interest requirements. In October 2010, Education deemed the pilot project working as intended, and expanded the cash management project to include the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), Title I, Part A and Part D, Subpart 2. In January 2011, Education will continue to expand the cash management project to the federal ESEA Title II, Part A, program. |
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English Language Acquisition Grants |
Education does not have an adequate process in place for assessing the cash needs of its subrecipients. |
2003-04 |
To effectively improve cash management over federal programs, Education implemented a pilot project involving LEAs submitting federal cash balances on a quarterly basis using a Web?based reporting system. Education’s cash management pilot project commenced with the Title II?Improving Teacher Quality federal program for the quarter period ending October 31, 2009. Subsequently, Education incorporated the reporting of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds via the Web?based reporting system. In addition, Education has dedicated staff and implemented new cash management fiscal monitoring procedures to verify, on a sample basis, LEAs’ reported cash balances and to ensure compliance with federal interest requirements. In October 2010, Education deemed the pilot project working as intended, and expanded the cash management project to include the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), Title I, Part A and Part D, Subpart 2. In January 2011, Education will continue to expand the cash management project to the federal ESEA Title II, Part A, program. |
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