Partially corrected. In March 2009, the Office of Legislation (OOL) spoke with staff from the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) and Bureau of Justice Assistance related to assumptions made in Corrections' programming for the inclusion of inmate records in the SCAAP application. Based upon information received, changes were made in the SCAAP programming so that an inmate’s place of birth (POB) will not be erroneously changed to an incorrect POB. Inmates who have a valid US ICE alien number with contradictory POB information in inmate file are changed to POB "unknown". In April 2009 and ongoing, OOL staff and Offender Information Services Branch staff began ongoing meetings to review the programming used as it corresponds to each section of the SCAAP guidelines to determine if changes to logic are necessary based on the interpretation /information of the SCAAP guidelines. |
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