Low-Income Home Energy Assistance |
CSD’s contract review and approval process lacks internal controls to ensure the federal awarding agency and all laws and regulations are identified at the time of the award. Further, CSD’s audit services unit lacks sufficient internal controls to ensure it receives and follows up on all subgrantee audits timely. |
2006-07 |
Fully corrected. The department revised sections of the Exhibit A boiler plate contract language to include new section "compliance" offering a reference to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations; and the new section "catalog of federal domestic assistance number" whereby the reference to the appropriate funding catalog and funding agency are offered. During the auditor's fieldwork, new procedures were provided to correct this finding. These procedures are currently being followed. |
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Low-Income Home Energy Assistance |
CSD contracts with local agencies to make eligibility determinations and to provide assistance under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to eligible participants residing in their service areas. However, local agencies do not always maintain sufficient documentation such as applicants’ monthly income or citizenship status to substantiate their eligibility determinations. |
2007-08 |
Remains uncorrected/agree with finding. CSD will release updated guidelines in time for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to resolve issues on how income is calculated and supported. |
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