Child Support Enforcement |
Child Support Services did not adequately fulfill its responsibility to respond to interstate case requests and status review requests within the time required. In addition, Child Support Services has not ensured it acts upon all case requests or that it notifies initiating jurisdictions when it rejects electronically submitted cases. Child Support Services also does not have ready access to critical data regarding its activities and workload. Further, Child Support Services has weak procedures for recording status request activities within the new system, and staff are not consistently following these procedures. |
2006-07 |
Fully corrected. The California Central Registry has developed new business processes, procedures, and controls to ensure it adheres to the federal compliance time requirements for processing interstate referrals. In addition, Child Support Services has implemented additional management controls to monitor and document activities and workload as well as ensuring staff is consistently following these procedures. |
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Child Support Enforcement |
Child Support Services did not completely fulfill its subrecipient monitoring responsibilities for the Child Support Enforcement program. Child Support Services did not include the required award identification information in the agreement it executes with each local child support agency (LCSA). Further, Child Support Services did not effectively monitor the LCSAs’ use of federal funds through site visits, limited scope audits, or other means. In addition, Child Support Services did not issue management decisions related to subrecipients’ U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 audit findings within the required six-month time frame. |
2006-07 |
Partially corrected. Child Support Services will include the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title and number, award name and number, award year, and name of the federal agency when the next Plan of Cooperation is issued in September. Child Support Services has implemented a new 356 claim audit process to ensure more counties are reviewed annually. Child Support Services has been working with the State Controller's Office to ensure county single audits are submitted timely to the department, and Child Support Services has implemented a new process to ensure these responses are collected timely. |
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